Symposia & Workshops
Chambers, C., G. Brassington, I. Simmonds, and K. Walsh, 2012,
LRET global networking to improve prediction of extreme marine events.
AMOS Annual Conference, Sydney, Australia, 31 Jan - 3 Feb, 2012.
Chambers, C., G. Brassington, I. Simmonds, and K. Walsh, 2012, Coupled model simulations
investigating the role of East Australian Current eddies in the formation of east coast lows. 30th
Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, USA, 15-20 April.
Chambers, C., G. Brassington, I. Simmonds, and K. Walsh, 2013, Upper ocean temperatures and the
distribution of thunderstorms during east-coast lows. AMOS National Conference, Melbourne,
Australia, 11-13 Feb.
Feng X., M. Tsimplis and M. Yelland, 2012, Extreme waves at Polar front of North Atlantic from
2000 to 2009 submitted to NH5.2 EGU2012-5719.
Feng X., M. Tsimplis, M. Yelland and G. Quartly, 2013, Variability of extreme wave height in
Northeastern Atlantic, The 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic
Engineering (OMAE2013), accepted abstract.
Marone E., Renzo Mosetti, Fabio Raicich and Camargo R. Lessons of Comparing Two Coastal
Systems: The Gulf of Trieste, Italy, and the Bay of Paranaguá, Brazil. ECSA 50 Conference – Venice,
Italy (2012).
Marone E. and Camargo R. Communicating natural hazards. The case of marine extreme events and
the importance of the forecast's errors. EGU2013-6615. EGU Conference, Wien, Austria (2013).
Parada J, E Hauerhof, R Suzuki, X Feng, U Abubakar, S S Bennett, P A Wilson, R A Shenoi, Deep
sea energy for autonomous seabed mapping, The Seabed Mapping and Inspection 2013, accepted
Parada J, X Feng, E Hauerhof, R Suzuki, U Abubakar, 2012, LRET Collegium 2012 Book Series,
The deep sea energy park:Harvesting hydrothermal energy for seabed exploration, ISBN 978-0-854-
Shan, S., Sheng, J., and Greennan, B., Shelfbreak frontal circulation near the Sable Gully of Nova
Scotia, 46th Annual CMOS Congress, Montreal, Canada, May 2012.
Shan, S., Sheng, J., and Greennan, B., Shelf break frontal circulation near the Sable Gully of Nova
Scotia, JONSMOD Meeting, Brest, France, May 2012.
Sheng, J., The far-field effect of tidal energy extraction on circulation and hydrography in the Bay of
Fundy and Gulf of Maine, 46th Annual CMOS Congress, Montreal, Canada, May, 2012 (invited).
Sheng, J., The far-field effect of tidal energy extraction on circulation and hydrography in the Bay of
Fundy and Gulf of Maine: Numerical Study using the Princeton Ocean Model, 4th International
Workshop on Modelling the Ocean, Yokohama, Japan, May 2012 (invited).
Sheng, J., “Statistical Estimation of Ocean Extreme Currents over the northwest Atlantic Ocean”,
Hohai University, China, May 2012.
Sheng, J., “Statistical Estimation of Ocean Extreme Currents over the northwest Atlantic Ocean”,
Ocean University of China, China, May 2012.
Sheng, J., and Kyoko Ohashi, Numerical study of circulation and particle movements in the Gulf of
St. Lawrence and Scotian Shelf, Ocean Science meeting, Salt Lake, USA, February 2012.
Tsimplis M., Sea level changes in marginal seas: The Mediterranean as an example, Workshop on
Climate change in Mediterranean and Caribbean Seas: Research experiences and new scientific
challenges, CIIFEN Headquarters,, Guayaquil, Ecuador, May 8th – 11th 2012 (invited).
Torres M. and M. Tsimplis, 2012, Seasonal sea level cycle in the Caribbean Sea CL4.5/OS1.8
Torres M. and M. Tsimplis, 2012, Sea level trends and interannual variability in the Caribbean Sea
CL4.5/OS1.8, EGU2012-3305.
Urrego-Blanco, J., and Sheng, J., Numerical study of circulation, hydrography and sea-ice
conditions in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Scotian Shelf using a coupled ocean-ice model, 46th
Annual CMOS Congress, Montreal, Canada, May 2012.
Urrego-Blanco, J., and Sheng, J., Numerical study of circulation, hydrography and sea-ice
conditions in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Scotian Shelf using a coupled ocean-ice model,
JONSMOD Meeting, Brest, France, May 2012.
Branco, F. V., R. Camargo, I. E. K. Wainer, B. Biazeto and E. Todesco, 2014. Examining global wave
climate for different representations of present and future conditions. 6th International Workshop on Modeling
the Ocean, Halifax, Canada, June.
Brassington, G. B., 2014. Sampling the stochastic forecast errors using a multicycle ocean prediction
system, 6th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean, Halifax, Canada, June.
Brassington, G. B., 2014. The rapidly developing field of operational oceanography and the application
to safety of life and infrastructure, 6th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean, Halifax, Canada, June.
Brassington, G. B., 2014. Operational ocean forecasting a HPC application, High Performance Computing
Symposium, Halifax, Canada, June.
Camargo, R., B. Biazeto, F. V. Branco, I. E. K. Wainer and J. Harari, 2014. Building a detailed
dataset for Extreme Marine Events in the Western South Atlantic, 6th International Workshop on Modeling the
Ocean, Halifax, Canada, June.
Camargo, R., A. F. Mavume and A. W. Gandu, 2015. Numerical modeling of storm surges in the coast of
Mozambique, 6th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean, Halifax, Canada, June.
Chambers, C., G. Brassington, I. Simmonds and K. Walsh, 2014. Precipitation changes due to the
introduction of eddy-resolving sea surface temperatures into simulations of east coast lows. AMOS National
Conference, Hobart, Australia, February.
Chambers, C., G. Brassington, I. Simmonds and K. Walsh, 2014. Precipitation Changes Due to the
Introduction of Eddy-Resolving Sea Surface Temperatures into Simulations of East Coast Lows. 6th International
Workshop on Modeling the Ocean, Halifax, Canada, June.
Chambers, C., G. Brassington, I. Simmonds and K. Walsh, 2014. Investigating relationships between
severe weather and East Australian Current eddies during east coast lows. CAWCR Seminar, Melbourne, Australia,
Feng, X. and M. N. Tsimplis, 2014. Extreme wave climate and sea level changes in marginal seas,
Physical Oceanography Research Exchange Meeting, NOC Southampton, UK, November.
Feng, X. and M. N. Tsimplis, 2014. Changes in wave and sea level extremes in marginal seas, Satellite
Oceanography meeting, NOC Southampton, UK, October.
Feng, X. and M. N. Tsimplis, 2014. Changes in wave and sea level extremes observed at marginal seas,
6th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean, Halifax, Canada, June.
Feng, X. and M. N. Tsimplis, 2014. Extreme sea level along the Chinese coast. 1st Challenger Special
Interest Group meeting on Coastal Ocean Processes, Liverpool, UK, March.
Feng, X., 2014. Changes in Marine Extremes at Marginal Seas, Visiting researcher seminar, Hohai
University, Nanjing, China, February.
Feng, X. and M. N. Tsimplis, 2014. Extreme sea level along the Chinese coast, Sea level and ocean
climate group meeting, NOC Liverpool, UK, January.
Guo, L. and J. Sheng, 2014. Simulation of ocean waves over the North Atlantic Ocean using WAVEWATCH
III with Climate Forecast System Reanalysis, 6th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean, Halifax,
Canada, June.
Ji, X and J. Sheng, 2014. The influence of coastline changes on tidal circulation in the abandoned
Yellow River Mouth and adjacent coastal waters, 6th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean, Halifax,
Canada, June.
Marone, E., R. Camargo and J. Salcedo-Castro, 2014. Extreme Marine Events: Bridging Science and
Society. Coastal Zone Canada 2014, Halifax, Canada, June.
Marone, E., F. Raicich, E. Mosetti and R. Camargo, 2014. Marine Extremes and Natural Hazards: When the
key is variability. EGU General Assembly 2014, Natural Hazards.
Salcedo-Castro, J., R. Camargo and E. Marone, 2014. Combining numerical modeling and reanalysis data
to study the air-sea interaction in the Southeastern Pacific: Application to the study of ocean swells off
Chile. 6th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean, Halifax, Canada, June.
Sheng, J., 2014. Estimation of extreme sea levels due to storm surges and tides over the northwest
Pacific Ocean, National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center of China, Beijing, China, July.
Ohashi, K. and J. Sheng, 2014. Using numerical particle-tracking to study the movement of marine
animals, 6th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean, Halifax, Canada, June.
Ohashi, K. and J. Sheng, 2014. Using numerical particle-tracking to study the movement of marine
animals in eastern Canadian waters, 48th Annual CMOS Congress, Rimouski, Canada, June.
Shan, S., J. Sheng and B. J. W. Greenan, 2014. Modelling study of circulation and particle movement in
a submarine canyon: Sable Gully, 6th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean, Halifax, Canada, June.
Shan, S., J. Sheng and M. Dever, 2014. A multi-nested circulation model for the central Scotian Shelf:
Model validation, 48th Annual CMOS Congress, Rimouski, Canada, June.
Sheng, J., 2014. Mutli-nested grid ocean circulation model: development and application to the
northern South China Sea and Pearl River Estuary, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, China, August.
Sheng, J., 2014. Estimation of extreme sea levels due to storm surges and tides over the northwest
Pacific Ocean, Marine Environmental Observatory, Nantong, China, August.
Sheng, J., 2014. Estimation of extreme sea levels due to storm surges and tides over the northwest
Pacific Ocean, National Marine Hazard Mitigation Service of China, Beijing, China, July.
Sheng, J. and J. Urrego-Blanco, 2014. Numerical study of ocean circulation and sea ice distribution
over the eastern Canadian shelf, International Workshop on Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics, Liverpool, United
Kingdom, April.
Sheng, J., 2014. Development of three-level nested-grid ocean circulation model and its application to
the Pearl River Estuary, PLA University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China, March.
Sheng, J., 2014. Development of a nested-grid circulation model for Halifax Harbour, Halifax Harbor
Oil Spill Modeling and Response Workshop, Halifax, Canada, February.
Sheng, J., 2014. Modelling Study of Circulation and Variability over the Eastern Canadian Shelf, the
Transatlantic Ocean System Science and Technology (TOSST) research school, Dalhousie University, Halifax,
Canada, January.
Urrego-Blanco, J. and J. Sheng, 2014. Study of sea ice dynamics in the Gulf of St. Lawrence using a
nested-grid ocean-ice model, 6th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean, Halifax, Canada, June.
Urrego-Blanco, J. and J. Sheng, 2014. Formation and distribution of sea ice in the Gulf of St.
Lawrence: A process-oriented study using a coupled ocean-ice, 48th Annual CMOS Congress, Rimouski, Canada,
Zhang, H. and J. Sheng, 2014. Mapping present day extreme sea levels over coastal waters of
northwestern Pacific, 6th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean, Halifax, Canada, June.
Zhang, H. and J. Sheng, 2014. Simulation study of extreme sea levels due to storm surges and tides
over the northwest Pacific, 48th Annual CMOS Congress, Rimouski, Canada, June.